Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Diary of A Middle School Kid

During the school semester I learned a lot of stuff like how to make a video game in my Technology class.I also made a lot of new friends and I saw a lot of friends from my old elementary school.I also went on a lot of field trips that I would think I would never go on like Austin Park and Pizza,The Plant Garden,and some other field trips.During the year I've had a lot of freedom.I've never had that much freedom.Middle School is so different from elementary school because in elementay school you can't really do anything fun but, in middle school you get FREEDOM!A lot of my friends are the coolest friends I've ever had.They are all so funny.I love middle school!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

BookShare (Bigfoot)

My bookshare is on Bigfoot.There have been numerous sightings of Bigfoot in the Oklahoma mountains.Bigfoot is a large ape-like creature, some scientists believe Bigfoot is a hoax then a real creature.It is a large hairy monkey in the range of 6 to 10 feet tall, 500 pounds.There have been sightings of footprints as long as 24 inches.It is possibly in the ape or bear family.It is also a omnivore and it nocturnal.In 1951 Eric Shipton photographed is what he believes a Yeti footprint.Hikers have been seeing large footprints in that year and marked it as "big foot".In 2007 hikers were camping out to see if Bigfoot really was real and captured a rare what people say was a bear.On July 9th, 2008 Ryan Dyer and Matthew Whitton posted a video on Youtube claiming they saw a large Sasquatch in the forest of Georgia.They received 50,000 dollars from Bigfoot Inc.Many people believe Bigfoot does not exits or does it?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The Things That Make Me Smile!

A lot of things that make me smile.Here are some things that make me smile:

Music (Rap)
Javier's Jokes
Funny T.V. shows (Family Guy,South Park)
Video Games
Funny Pictures
Air Jordan Shoes
The Mall
My Friends

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring With The Family

I really enjoy spring because its sunny outside the kids are playing,the flowers are blooming,and Easter is right around the corner!When I think of spring I think of the weather like the weather being 100 degrees outside!The things I like to do during spring are like swimming,playing sports especially basketball!And getting together with my family when we come together during spring break we have a good time!My cousins and I play lots of sports like tackle Football,street Basketball,and Baseball.Every year we are always getting hurt and are parents tell us not to play but we still do!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Bookshare (GooseBumps)

I read Goosebumps Attack Of The Masked Mutant.It's about this boy named Skipper,he loves comic books especially the masked mutant ones.His dad always says to do his homework or he can't read the book!But he dosen't care he dosen't do the homework he just keeps on reading.One day after school lets out he gets on the bus and gets dropped off at his origanal stop.He sees that everything is differnt and he sees a building,very familier to the one in his masked mutant comic book.Then it hits him:it's the masked mutant headquarts!

Friday, January 22, 2010

My Character Traits

My character traits are like athletic because I love to play sports especially Basketball!Another trait is that I'm brave,smart,and most of all funny!My family character traits are...crazy,athletic,and even smarter than me!I love my family traits because I'm athletic like my two brothers and even my dad.My friends character traits are smart,funny,athletic especially!I love my character traits, my family's character traits ,and my friend's character traits!

Friday, January 15, 2010

My 2010 Goals

My goal for 2010 is to become a straight A student and the way to do that is by doing my homework,listening in class,and to stop wearing my hood.Where I can do that is in school. The people that can help me with that goal are my friends,parents,and teachers.I can achieve this goal this semester in 2010!

This goal is important to me because I want my mom,dad,grandma,and grandpa to proud of me like two older brothers! The other reason why its important to me is because if I'm a straight A student I can go to a good high school,a good college(University Of Texas),get a good job that pays good,and get a house.I really want to achieve this goal!I need some A's on my report card!