Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Spider Monkeys

One problem in the world is cutting down trees,and endangered animals including my favorite animal SPIDER MONKEYS!Spider Monkeys are endangered because they are always in trees and people are cutting down trees!Spider Monkeys are the new types of primate in the monkey family.Spider monkeys are usually black and have long whiskers.They are usually found in Mexico through South America.They also like to eat 90% of fruits and seeds.Every 2-3 years the mother monkey will give birth to a black spider monkey.Their lifespan is 27 years!But monkeys,orangutans,apes,gorillas,ect. are all extincted!Only 2,000 live!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Jeff Dunham

I like Jeff Dunham he is a ventriloquist he has these puppets there is Walter,Achmed the dead terrorist,Bubba J,Jose Jalapeno,Melvin the superhero, and Peanut my favorite dummy is peanut he is a purple monster with green hair and one shoe and it's torn.He is so funny he even has his own t.v. show called the "Jeff Dunham Show" I say he is the funniest comedian ever!